Category SEO & Best Practices

Building Traction for Your New Website

Gaining massive user traction for an e-commerce site involves a combination of strategic marketing, exceptional user experience, and robust platform features. Read the following tips, then roll up your sleeves and put them use! Leverage Social Media and Influencer Marketing…

How to Succeed in e-Commerce

For an online store, the ideal content strategy encompasses a mix of informative, engaging, and persuasive elements designed to enhance the customer experience, boost engagement, and drive sales. Engaging Product Descriptions Go beyond basic specifications to include benefits, unique features,…

Essential Post-Launch Tips for Success

Congratulations on your new Yodify-powered site. Regardless of how you intend to use your catalog, be it as a powerful reference, lead generation, CPQ, e-Commerce or all of the above you’ve chosen the best platform to set the stage for your success. There are a significant number of best practices that are inherent in the Yodify platform that will, over time, get your website noticed. Fast page speeds, mobile optimization, properly formatted page content, and thousands of indexable pages are standard with any Yodify site.